Head Motion Tracking Through in-Ear Wearables
Andrea Ferlini, Alessandro Montanari, Cecilia Mascolo, Robert Harle
Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Earable Computing (EarComp’19)
(🌊) ?
(andrea.isSurfing = 1) : (andrea.isReachable = 0);
I'm Andrea, PhD student in the NetOS group
at the University of Cambridge.
With my advisor, Prof Cecilia Mascolo, I am investigating the potential of sensory earables for mobile health. My research interests range between wearables and how to augment them, applied machine learning, privacy, and mobile health.
Prior joining Cambridge I worked with Prof Giovanni Pau at Sorbonne University (LIP6, formerly UPMC), Paris, where I focused on mobile systems and IoT.
This is a NON comprehensive list of things I can do. Though, it does not necessarely mean I am willing to do them 😉.
If you are interested in what I am doing, you can find and read my publications here (if I remember to upload them).
Andrea Ferlini, Alessandro Montanari, Cecilia Mascolo, Robert Harle
Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Earable Computing (EarComp’19)
Andrea Ferlini, Wei Wang, Giovanni Pau
ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Workshop on Mobile AirGround Edge Computing, Systems, Networks, and Applications (MAGESys’19)
Alexandru Solot, Andrea Ferlini
ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Workshop on Mobile AirGround Edge Computing, Systems, Networks, and Applications (MAGESys’19)
Andrea Ferlini, Cecilia Mascolo
UK Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Systems Research Symposium (MOBIUK ’19)
Andrea Ferlini, Davide Aguiari, Jiannong Cao, Song Guo, Giovanni Pau
2019 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM ’19)
I will update the website as soon as I get notified.
If you've checked the forecasts and there are no waves (nor wind), then drop me an email 📧.